
2018年3月23日—SafarisupportsHTML5.IfYouTubevideodoesn'tplay,tryeitherdisablingoruninstallingextensionslikeClickToFlash.,AbrowserextensionthatistheeasiestwaytogetmorecontroloverplaybackspeedofvideosonNetflix,YoutubeorwebsitesthatuseVideoJSHTML5player.,2011年3月25日—OntheiPhoneandiPod,ifaYouTubevideoisembeddedinawebpage,theusercantouchthevideoandthevideowillstartplaying—theiOS ...,2023年7月12日—...

Does safari support html5 video from Youtube

2018年3月23日 — Safari supports HTML5. If YouTube video doesn't play, try either disabling or uninstalling extensions like ClickToFlash.

HTML5 Speedy Video Extension (for Chrome and Safari)

A browser extension that is the easiest way to get more control over playback speed of videos on Netflix, Youtube or websites that use VideoJS HTML5 player.

HTML5 video player behavior on iPhone and iPod in Safari ...

2011年3月25日 — On the iPhone and iPod, if a YouTube video is embedded in a web page, the user can touch the video and the video will start playing—the iOS ...

HTML5 Videos do not work in Safari on Mac or iOS, but ...

2023年7月12日 — Here are some solutions you can try to address the issue of HTML5 videos not working in Safari on Mac or iOS: ... Referencing a YouTube link works ...


2023年7月12日 — Here are some solutions you can try to address the issue of HTML5 videos not working in Safari on Mac or iOS: ... Referencing a YouTube link works ...

Safari 無法播放HTML5 視頻?

2019年2月21日 — 最近遇到網頁播放視頻的需求,原本嘗試嵌入Youtube 視頻就好,但是因為Youtube 嵌入規則,影片播放完之後還是會跑出相關視頻或是作者頻道的舊視頻…

YouTube HTML5 Safari

2015年8月1日 — Safari definitely supports HTML 5 on YouTube without Flash. You may have a Safari incompatible extension or plug-in that's prompting the, ...

YouTube預設播放器終於改用HTML5影音技術,Flash恐驟失 ...

2015年1月28日 — YouTube宣布,停止以Flash播放器為預設值,而改以HTML5播放器為預設,支援Google Chrome、微軟IE 11、蘋果Safari 8和Mozilla Firefox測試版等瀏覽器, ...